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The Things Your Feet Can Do With Ashiatsu

After 28 years of bodywork, you’d think I’d get bored doing bodywork! But every day that I am blessed to be able to touch bodies therapeutically, I am always astounded at the amazingly complex and healing ability of the body. 🙏

That I can touch someone for 30-90 minutes, observe the body, ask questions, palpate and then help them come to an awareness of where they are, where they came from(past injuries their conscious may have forgotten about, but their body hasn’t), give them hope that there MAY BE a solution and that they have a choice to move forward.

AND I do this predominately with my feet. ✨🤯

I still use my hands to do bodywork. There are too many complex areas that require a more delicate detailed touch sometimes. Like the head, the mouth, and anterior neck, or the need for an opposing thumb to do things like cupping, visceral work, and cranial sacral.

But my feet... 👣 They “know” the body just as well as the hands. After all, I've been working with my feet for 18 years now! That's ten years longer than my hands. And they can do things without me even consciously thinking about what they are doing. They have developed an intuition, a keen sense of “something’s here, this needs work” or that this joint is stuck.

They pause and hone in on places, and a client says, “How did you know?!?” 🤷‍♀️😉

When you nurture your feet, train them, and use them, they can ”know” just as much as your hands. Trust me.

There are other choices out there for Ashiatsu barefoot massage continuing education, but you won't find a more passionate, educated, and dedicated tribe of soles to learn ashiatsu massage. Our barefoot massage instructors all practice what we teach, and our curriculum is robust AND continuing to develop. So you don’t get stuck in some boring routine, but your barefoot skills can continue to evolve, and learn new material. Want to work with athletes? We are developing a Sports Track that requires certification in Range of Motion. Want to treat pain? Jeni Spring, co-founder, and I have teamed together to combine her mad creative skills and my Rolfing training to create one-day Clinical Tracks for treating chronic pain issues. Read more about how to treat chronic pain with barefoot massage.

The Center for Barefoot Massage also has an awesome membership that has free videos that you are able to access after your class. There's another membership level that has tons of info and resources on how to build your barefoot massage career. So once you take our ashiatsu classes, you're not done! That's a HUGE bonus and incentive for starting your barefoot massage career with The Center for Barefoot Massage.


If you’re interested in a long term career as a bodyworker, check out our Barefoot Massage training classes at NC Ashiatsu. We provide Fundamentals, Intermediate, Advanced, Range Of Motion, and soon to be released the one-day Clinical Tracks that will require Advanced Certification. Follow us on Instagram @NCashiatsu or Facebook for helpful tips, class info, and other good stuff!


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